Become a best-in-class innovator

To become a best-in-class innovator you first need to understand your current innovation power and the key improvement areas.

This is the first step in order to stay relevant to your customers, stay ahead of your competitors and defend yourself against disruptive forces.

How? Through the Innovation Readiness Benchmark.

innovation readiness benchmark report

Increase your innovation power

  • Measure the innovation power of your organization against 35 innovation best practices.
  • Gain insight in new forces that can potentially disrupt your industry.
  • Compare your organization with the high performers in our benchmark.
  • Understand which areas can drive innovation performance.
  • Receive a personal report including customized recommendations.

What is it?

  • A must-do self assessment for those who take innovation seriously
  • A comparison with the 500 companies in our benchmark
  • A limited time investment of just 8 minutes

For whom is it?

  • CxO’s and business unit managers
  • Innovation / R&D managers and professionals
  • Business development professionals

What do you get?

  • A personal report with your scores versus our benchmark
  • An overview of your innovation strengths and weaknesses
  • Advice on how to increase your innovation power
  • Insight in innovation best practices

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irb statistics 1

Start increasing your innovation power!

The journey towards becoming a best-in-class innovator is never easy. There will be many successes and failures along the way.
Increase your innovation power so that you can ensure the long-term continuity of your business.

Start the benchmark