Realize sustainable growth with a winning innovation strategy

A winning innovation strategy is the starting point for realizing growth. The precondition for growth is being relevant. Now and in the future. We design winning innovation strategies to ensure sustainable growth. We help you deliver on your innovation efforts.

The precondition for growth is being relevant. Staying relevant requires innovation.

It seems so obvious.

Yet many of our clients struggle with questions such as:

  • In what business areas can or should we innovate?
  • How can we develop digital business and service models?
  • How do we get more innovations to the market and scale successfully?
  • How do we prioritize and manage our portfolio of innovations?
  • How do we develop an innovative mindset in our organisation?
  • How do we organise a high performing innovation process?

Recognize some of these questions?

Now, imagine that you would be able to organise a steady flow of innovative ideas? That only the promising ones would make it to the market.

Imagine that you would be able to scrutinize your innovation portfolio and stop ideas before significant investments have been made. And all co-workers would share the same innovation drive and practices?

Sounds good? Read on.

Our service to help you grow your relevance and becoming a much more innovative company is based on three pillars.

Innovation North Star

Do you have an inspiring vision for your innovation efforts? If you don’t know where you are going, how can you be sure to be successful? We can help you link your business goals to an effective innovation strategy.

Innovation Roadmap

Turn your innovation North Star in an innovation roadmap. Chart your journey towards sustainable, innovative growth over time. Build a portfolio that drives your innovation goals.

Strategy Execution

Strategy and execution are no longer two separate worlds. The urgency brought about by (digital) disruptions puts more pressure on execution. Do you have the skills and competences to deliver on your strategy?

Portfolio of Services

Innovation strategy design and execution

Click on your growth question to find our service for you

RevelX service:
In company Innovation Readiness Benchmark

What is it:
An assessment of your company’s innovation power compared to bast practices

RevelX service:
DisruptR game

What is it:
High paced inspirational session to design your worst nightmare competitor and counter strategy

RevelX service:
Innovation portfolio review

What is it:
An assessment on your total portfolio of innovations, their performance and potential, including the rationalization towards better innovation performance

RevelX service:
Business model / value proposition design sprint

What is it:
Design a completely new value proposition and business model, make a prototype and test with clients in only 5 days

RevelX service:
Innovation strategy & roadmap design

What is it:
A clear and committed roadmap towards developing, launching and market testing multiple innovations within a strategically chosen time frame

RevelX service:
Rapid Innovation Challenge

What is it:
Assess one or multiple stagnating innovations and debottleneck the innovation process in just one day

RevelX service:
Incubator program / Growth lab

What is it:
Building an organisation and processes that generate and launch new innovations in a structural cadence

RevelX service:
Accelerator program

What is it:
Structurally scaling up innovations that have proven product-market fit towards full business maturity

Challenge your innovation strategy

Is your innovation strategy up to par? Are you aware of the forces that may disrupt your company? Take your team through the DISRUPTR! An immersive experience in which you will disrupt your own company. Get inspired. Energize your team. Get into action.

Check out some of our
client cases

Helping our clients grow. We shape the future of public and private organizations. Here is a selection of our growth entrepreneur’s work.


people sitting in a theatre

How to Prevent Innovation Theatre

Learn how real innovation drives success and avoid the pitfalls of 'innovation theatre' in today's fast-paced market.

change paths

Corporate Innovation: A Catalyst for Success

In the dynamic and competitive business landscape, corporate innovation has emerged as a pivotal force for organizations seeking growth and sustainability.

The Innovation Readiness Benchmark Report

Find out how best-in-class innovators innovate, which best practices they apply, and how they brace themselves for disruption. Almost 100 companies have already participated in our benchmark. This includes leading corporates as well as scale-ups.

innovation readiness benchmark report

How corporates can innovate like digital start-ups!

In this webinar, RevelX and Software AG will demonstrate how you can improve your innovation power and realize your (digital) innovation agenda by using state-of-the-art platforms (API-first and Hybrid Cloud platforms).



Interested in how we can help you scale your business?

Let’s chat and grab a coffee. On us of course.