
AI is People Business

AI is People Business

Empowering your organization with AI

60 mins

Presented in English

Insights from this webinar

The pace of innovation in the AI landscape is breathtaking, with new developments unfolding at lightning speed. In our upcoming webinar, we offer you a comprehensive refresher on the latest AI advancements, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve and don’t miss out on crucial breakthroughs.

We’ll provide a refreshed overview of the AI landscape and introduce some of the key tools you should be using in innovating your business. Additionally, we will showcase new use cases that are revolutionizing various industries and branches of your businesses .

But also, more than just a technological leap, integrating AI into your business is a journey of change management. As AI impacts our businesses, understanding its human aspect becomes crucial for any leader aiming to thrive in the digital era.

This webinar will not only bring you up to speed with the latest in AI but also gives you some practical next steps to lead your organization through this evolving landscape of digital innovation.

  • Discover the latest AI developments: Get inspired by the AI tools your business needs to innovate.
  • Explore new AI use cases: Learn through real-world examples how AI is being applied across various sectors for unprecedented efficiency and innovation.
  • Understand AI’s impact on people: Learn why integrating AI is as much about people as it is about technology.

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Host and guest

Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.

Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.


Boudewijn Zeijlmans

Dubbed the “AI Whisperer”. An experienced digital consultant and entrepreneur, creating innovative business with deep technological and analytical expertise, always with a strong emphasis on the human factor and team dynamics in mind.

His entrepreneurial mind brought him knowledge and experience in venture capital, digital marketing & change management, innovation, and AI. His journey of over 2 decades spans across a multitude of startups and extensive consulting for blue-chip enterprises, all underpinned by a profound fascination and involvement of technology developments.

Thanks to his physics background, which allows him to balance technical proficiency with creativity and team dynamics insights, this approach ensures creating strategies not only leading to success for the corporations involved, but also empowering the individuals working in them.

Recognizing AI’s transformative potential, Boudewijn has dedicated his career to equipping corporate leaders with the insights and strategies essential for navigating the complexities of the contemporary AI landscape.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with colorful digital lines and binary code emerging from the screen, symbolizing the integration of AI in the innovation process.

Making Sense of AI in the Innovation Process

Making Sense of AI in the Innovation Process

Practical Perspectives and Guiding Insights

58 mins

Presented in English

Insights from this webinar

Today’s landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic vision. The rapid advancement of AI with tools such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion have the potential to revolutionize various organizations and it influence on the innovation process is no expectation.

With unprecedented capabilities of AI tools, organizations now have the potential to unleash creativity, make informed decisions, boost productivity, and accelerate growth. As AI technologies continue to evolve, organizations must remain vigilant in adopting responsible AI practices to unlock the full potential of AI and harness it for sustainable and impactful innovation.

In this webinar, we will revisit the innovation process and redefine the way businesses contextualize, ideate, validate, and scale their ideas with the use of AI. We will also discuss some key considerations when evaluating the AI tools.

  • Discover the role of AI in corporate context
  • Revisit the innovation process
  • Redefine the way businesses contextualize, ideate, validate, and scale their ideas with AI
  • Explore the practical use of AI tools in the innovation process with case studies of organizations

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Host and guest

Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.

Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.


Michael Stilger

Senior Vice President & Co-Founder, Qmarkets

Michael is a proven global leader & player in the field of Innovation, Open Innovation, Crowd-Intelligence, Business Growth, Start-up and Technology Scouting and Innovation Methodologies. He has dedicated his professional life to assist organizations accessing and maturing the intelligence and wisdom of their employees, clients, supply chain or Academic Partners and combine it with Innovation and Idea Management.

View of Earth from space with overlaid network connections and glowing nodes, symbolizing global connectivity and corporate venturing

Successful Innovation with Corporate Venturing

Successful Innovation with Corporate Venturing

Get out of the building to realize innovative growth!



Today, many organizations still rely heavily on their own innovation capabilities. Instead, they must get out of the building to become more successful in innovative growth. With this we mean to continuously tap into external networks, pro-actively searching and collaborating with startups, scaleups or other external parties to balance their internal innovation efforts.

Corporate Venturing has a distinct place in the innovation mix. It sits next to corporate innovation (build) and acquisition (buy) as a key driver for growth. Corporate Venturing is gaining importance as an effective means of innovation over building up internal innovation capabilities.

In this webinar we will introduce the concept of corporate venturing and how to be successful at it. We introduce our RevelX corporate venturing framework, explore the key corporate venturing steps, and drive into the main challenges.

Together with our Innovation technology partner Qmarkets, we also will present how best in class software tooling can support you in discovering the most promising (unknown) trends, technologies, solutions, startups, scaleups and grownups.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why Corporate Venturing should be part of your innovation growth mix?

How to adapt the RevelX Corporate Venturing process framework

How to make effective use of best-in-class software tooling in the corporate venturing discovery process


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Carol Wright

Sales Leader EMEA & APAC, Qmarkets

An innovation enthusiast providing solutions from across the innovation management ecosystem to major global brands. A trusted and customer-centric professional, drawing from 20 years of experience leading high-performance international teams to drive enterprise technology solutions sales.

Close-up of chess pieces with a focus on the king, symbolizing strategy and planning

Defining Your Innovation Strategy

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Defining your innovation strategy

How to use RevelX’ brand new Innovation Strategy Playbook



Innovation is hard and many innovation projects fail. But why?

RevelX identified 5 key reasons why innovation fails within an organization and why it is so hard to realize a good Return on Innovation. And one of the most crucial reasons is rooted in the lack of a proper innovation strategy.

The RevelX Innovation Readiness Benchmark data shows that companies with an innovation strategy rate significantly higher in terms of their innovation performance.

This is why RevelX has launched a new playbook dedicated entirely to the strategy side. In this playbook, RevelX provides you with useful and actionable insights, a set of proven methods, frameworks, and tools you can deploy within your organization today.

Make sure you download the Strategy playbook before you join the webinar. You can download the playbook here.

In this webinar, you will learn:

How to use the RevelX Innovation Strategy Playbook to define or refine your innovation strategy for your company

What defines an innovation strategy and how can you align this with your business/corporate strategy?

What are the innovation strategy best practices?


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Upward view of modern glass skyscrapers reflecting the sky, symbolizing corporate innovation and advancement

The Corporate Innovation Playbook

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How to obtain maximum results from the
Corporate Innovation Playbook

Real life innovation success stories




RevelX recently published the hugely successful Corporate Innovation Playbook. It is the most comprehensive innovation playbook available in the market and was created to help you succeed as a corporate innovator.

Now, we would like to take things a step further and help you successfully apply the playbook learnings to your organization with 4 brand-new RevelX Innovation Webinars.

First up: How to obtain maximum results from the Corporate Innovation Playbook.

In this webinar we will present various real life innovation success stories in which the frameworks and models from the Innovation Playbook have been crucial.

The success stories come from various industries and will be presented by the RevelX project leaders who were responsible for these projects.

In this webinar, you will learn:

How to use the Corporate Innovation Playbook (a copy of which will be sent to you upon sign up)

Proven methods, frameworks and tools to jumpstart your innovation journey

Business and innovation results that can be achieved by using the Playbook

How to overcome innovation challenges


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

City skyline at dusk with overlaid digital network connections and data points, symbolizing innovation and connectivity.

How to Become a Best-in-Class Innovator?

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How to become a best-in-class innovator?

Measure your innovation power via the RevelX Innovation Readiness Benchmark.



Strategic innovation is the key to sustainable growth. Organizations that are successful innovators have the highest survival ratings. They are able to create and maintain long-term, sustainable, client relations in which they continuously increase their added value. To become a best-in-class innovator you first need to understand your current innovation power and your key improvement areas. This is the first step in order to stay relevant to your customers, stay ahead of your competitors and defend yourself against disruptive forces.

RevelX has developed the Innovation Readiness Benchmark, which represents 35 innovation best practices. Marc Douma and Matthijs Rosman, both Partners at RevelX, will guide you through the benchmark and process of becoming a best-in-class innovator yourself.

To get the best learning experience, we advise you to complete the innovation readiness benchmark yourself prior to the session. You will also receive your personal innovation report in advance. Press here to start the benchmark.

innovation scan

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why innovation is often hard yet crucial

What it takes to become a best-in-class innovator

How you can shape your own innovation journey


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Two SUVs involved in a head-on collision on a road

Are You Ready to Disrupt?

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Are You Ready to Disrupt?

Identify the leading indicators if your industry is on the brink of disruption.



We are facing more and stronger disruption than we have seen over the past 50 years. It’s a time of unprecedented change. In many respects, it is unchartered territory, as never in our lifetime have we experienced this kind of transformation with such impact. Our ability to adapt is being tested, and it’s not difficult to find ourselves exposed to some fundamental existential issues

Understanding how disruption works and how to brace against it is one of your organization’s most crucial assets.

Understand the dynamics of disruption and learn what most successful disruptors have in common by joining the RevelX live session on Disruption.

In this webinar, you will learn:

The forces and risks of disruption

Identify the leading indicators if your industry is about to be disrupted

The best response tactics to disruption


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Multiple hands holding and connecting colorful interlocking gears, symbolizing teamwork and collaboration

Creating a Culture of Innovation

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Create a Culture of Innovation

Download new ‘software’ into your organization



Innovation culture and leadership are the biggest differentiators between strong and weak innovative growers.

Too often, companies get stuck in discussing innovation strategy and processes. While ignoring the fact their innovation culture is the root cause of their lack of innovation.

As Steve Jobs once observed: “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.”

In an innovative culture, creative thinking is stimulated, smart failures are celebrated, and people are empowered to initiate and execute innovation. Furthermore, business leaders are committed to innovation, personally involved, and reward innovation.

So, to get the most out of people, you need a different kind of ‘software’ in your organization to foster them. Or in normal business language: you need a new business culture.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why culture is so important and why it’s so hard to change?

How can you develop an innovation culture in your organization?

What leadership should do and what they should not do?


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.